Last Tuesday we were connected with the trees in the silence of peace. In that Silence there was a clear and significant calling. I truly invite you to take some time and read the words that came through …
Thank you all for being there, for sending Reiki, Light & Love. The world needs you.
Let’s build a matrix around the planet
working together hand-in-hand
hand by hand as a puzzle
in which we all play our significant role,
take up our mission on earth,
follow our goal in this lifetime
for ourselves, for each other
for mother earth
the carrier of all life
the inspirer of all living structures.
We so benefit of her beauty
her air, her soil,
her water
the fire of her soul.
As guards the trees protect her skin,
they feed her
with their wondrous mechanism
they feed us
with their oxygen.
We all are
significant and indispensable parts
of this circle of Life.
Let’s call upon
all of our Guides for support.
Let’s call upon
Reiki for healing.
Let’s call upon
the power and the rays
of the Universe.
To strengthen us
so we can strengthen the earth
with our hands
so we can take up our mission
to help each other
and all life on earth.
Let’s make a manifest, a credo
with our hands
our healing hands
who share the love of our hearts
for each other
for the trees
for the planet
for all its inhabitants.
We are guests of the earth
and thank her for being
such a wonderful hostess
for every one of us.
Gratitude and Healing
Love and Grace
Compassion and Forgiveness
is all we need
to let our hands shine
and heal the world.
Are you in?
Will you be a servant?
Will you stand up
and plant your healing hands
in the soil of the earth
to fill the puzzle
and make a matrix
of Reiki and Love
around the world?
I am in.
Are you?
Hele mooi woorden , blessings for us and our great mother earth ,
thank you.
I’m in!
Ook ik wil mijn uiterste best doen om de aarde te helpen, de bomen te beschermen, te leven in verbondenheid met de natuur en er met liefde zorg voor te dragen.