Oneness that just is

Oneness that just is

Oneness that just is In this expanded energy there is no you and me, there is no wrong or right, there is no here and there, past or future. There is only the oneness that just is, there is ‘us’ in this enormous and gorgeous energy field which some of you call Reiki...


Being! Here we are again together in this moment of glorious togetherness. Here we are in the pure light of love. Here we are. When the whole world goes on in action, we are in the quietness of this moment, expanding what we are, light, pure light of growth and...
Essence from Home

Essence from Home

Essence from Home Breathe in Reiki, breathe out love. With our breath of love activated with the Lionsgate energy we encourage you all to focus on your heart’s energy, on the expansion of your essence, on the being of your being, on being who you are, what you are,...
The New love as a pillar of Light

The New love as a pillar of Light

The New love as a pillar of Light (on the eve of Lionsgate’s activation) Love is the cornerstone of everything. The New love is the same love, only in depth a higher vibration, a deeper frequency, a level of being that suits the New time on earth more and better in...

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