Dear Reiki & Light friends …
You all decided a moment in time last year to -whenever it was/is possible for you- attend the Open Heart & Reiki Circle. I do not know how many times you had the chance to participate and I do not need to know. Overlooking 2016 I just did some calculation of our common effort and service to humanity …
If we all -104 participants- have the chance to meditate and send Reiki and Love for half an hour a month to the chosen purpose, we spend 6 hours each and 600 hours altogether. What comes down to 25 days for one person (24 hours a day) of sending on-going Love and Reiki and Light to the world. Should that effort of us all have an impact?
If you think so, I am sure I will meet you next year in 2017 once a month for half an hour in the Silence and Peace of our Circle.
And maybe, just maybe, this calculation stimulates you to talk about it with friends and family. And maybe, just maybe, they want to join us … cause altogether we can go for 50 days or 100 days or … of sending on-going Love and Reiki and Light to the world in 2017.
May we all enter this place of Peace in ourselves. Then Word peace will definitely smile at us.
With love and blessings for all of you – Hilde