Thank you for the wonderful moment of Reiki, Light and Love we shared yesterday during our 7th Open Heart & Reiki Circle. The circle felt intense, strong and very loving. So I would like to thank all of you with the words that came through Loving Eyes.
Loving eyes
Give sorrow to the light to transform
so your beautiful hands are purified
to take up the task you just set for yourself.
The light you develop as a circle
covers many many persons and situations
spread all over the world.
Your serenity supports the healing
and in a while when your body
needs to take up other tasks again
we will continue this circle of healing.
Circle by circle you build up your strength
as a group of supporters of healing and silence.
Let’s sit together in the beauty of our breath
and smile to everyone who passes our hearts.
A smile of Light and healing
is carried by the eyes of the beholder
and will be passed on and on and on.
Everyone who receives this healing smile
passes on their love through their eyes,
and their healing eyes will keep on touching others
and will give birth to new expressions of Love.
In the grace of this circle we thank everyone
for this growing chain of loving eyes
that will go on forever.