Tuesday July 11 we sent Reiki to equal opportunities for all and were connected with several people around the world. We sat in peace and the Silence whispered … The Purest Essence of your Birthright … Thank you all for being there, for sending Reiki, Light & Love.
Your birthright is equality
the state of mind equanimity
the core of your being peaceful.
Your path sometimes hidden
under the vast structures of life
gives chances to grow in all directions
a learning path with
choices to make
opportunities to take
a path full of roses and flowers
colorful and tasteful.
Can you make your choices?
Can you take your opportunities?
Will you grow to co-create with existence
to establish peaceful opportunities for all?
Will you be a soul sister or brother
for every living thing,
grateful and graceful offering a service
to nature, to life, to the Universe
in the true mission of your life?
Will you be my brother, my sister?
Will we walk this path
of equal opportunities together,
so we can be the purest essence
of our birthright?
© www.whisperingsfromreiki.com