

Oneness Welcome to this exciting moment. We are in the days of great transformation. We look ahead, together, with you And we already see the dream, the image, the vision of the future together with you We see a blue earth transformed in spirit Materialized in the...


Thank you all for tuning in together and for experiencing the Whispering that came through: Reconnection. Thank you all for sending light and Reiki to the different topics. Bedankt om samen af te stemmen en de Whispering die doorkwam te ervaren: Herverbinding. Bedankt...
Our unified higher sky

Our unified higher sky

Dear all, thank you so much for last Tuesday. The depth of our sending brought ‘Our unified higher sky’. Love and healing to all of you in these challenging times. OUR UNIFIED HIGHER SKY We hold you all in the comfort of your home in your soul. We hold you...
100th Open Heart & Reiki Circle

100th Open Heart & Reiki Circle

Combined and new focus from Tuesday August 25, 2020 We learn from the past, listen to our attendants, zoom in on how the world is evolving and look at the future. We always sent Reiki, Light & Love to world leaders and to everyone’s potential to create world...
A new state of being

A new state of being

A new state of being Let’s shine our consciousness together. Let’s be the shift you want to see in this world. Let’s lose habits and patterns of the old world to let new love in. You now seem to live your life like a dream. As a conscious being you were all prepared...
Peace from your hands

Peace from your hands

PEACE FROM YOUR HANDS Let the peace of your hands escape to the world, right now, in this very moment. Let the harmony of your breath envelop the earth and caress her as a mother. Be a mother to her as she is for you. Be the inner child for her as she is for you. Be...

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